Ladybug CDH Foundation

Donation Supporting Giving Tuesday

Because this defect is rare and not heard of by most, it does not have the funding that other more widely known birth defects attract. All money raised by the Ladybug CDH Foundation goes towards research and helping families with a child with CDH in the hospital. Hospital expenses average from $500,000 - $1M+, so some families can be bankrupted by a CDH diagnosis. Many families travel thousands of miles to deliver at a hospital equipped to care for a CDH baby. This means incurring additional expenses of housing, gas, and food daily. Then, imagine those expenses and also having to cover a funeral? Or many of these fortunate children, who do come home, come home needing at-home nursing, oxygen support, feeding tubes, and numerous medicines. We help those families. Your donation helps these families.

Last year, the Ladybug CDH Foundation used funds to give gift cards for food and gas, help for for funeral expenses, gave care packages, and raised $40,000+ that will go towards research hopefully to increase neonatal survival and quality of life.

Every dollar counts. Please give today. 

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Raised of $10,000

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