Johns Hopkins Medicine Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics

Ari James Turns One!


Raised of $500


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Ari James became a patient at Johns Hopkins Hospital at just 12 weeks gestational age when we learned he would be battling fetal hemolytic disease. Fetal hemolytic disease causes severe anemia in unborn babies, which can result in intrauterine blood transfusions. Ari and his mom spent many, many appointments with the doctors and team of nurses in the center for fetal therapy. Ari received 10 blood transfusions before he was finally delivered on March 5, 2021.

With over 60 appointments at Hopkins, it was a relief to have spent so much time with doctors who truly cared for their patients. Dr. Baschat, Dr. Rosner, Dr. Miller, and their team of nurses treated us as though we were family, and they care deeply for Ari's case. They made us feel safe during an exceptionally uncertain time for us.

We are forever thankful for them and their dedication to their work. Not only are they doctors, but they are researchers and they pave the way in this particular medical field for future research, advancements, and treatments for mothers and babies who need specialized care. T

Thank you for your consideration and donating towards the John Hopkins Center for fetal therapy. We can say confidently the care we received saved Ari's life. And, we want to see as many babies and mothers thrive under their future care. 



Mummert made a $15.00 donation

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